Frequently asked questions
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been practiced for thousands of years in China and the Orient. It is a holistic treatment which considers the whole individual rather than a set of signs and symptoms. Extremely fine needles are inserted into pre-determined acupuncture points to stimulate the body's own healing response to restore balance and strength.
Does it hurt?
The insertion of the needle can feel like a quick pinch which rapidly subsides. Often patients don't even feel the insertion of the needle into the skin. After the insertion of the needle to a certain depth, its gentle manipulation may cause a tingling sensation, a feeling of numbness or even an energy transfer along the acupuncture channel. Many patients enjoy Acupuncture and find it comfortable and relaxing, some patients even fall asleep during the treatment.
How does Acupuncture work?
Research shows that acupuncture works by increasing the body's natural healing response. These positive benefits have been shown to support the musculoskeletal system, the circulatory, nervous, endocrine and digestive systems.
Acupuncture works ........
- By stimulating and regulating your body's circulatory system
- By reducing pain and inflammation and enhancing the body's natural ability to heal itself
- By supporting the strength and function of your nervous system
- By restoring hormonal balance and by strengthening the digestive system
- By reducing the stress response in your body
- By treating the System not just the Symptom
Chinese Acupuncture theory suggests than many of our physical and emotional problems begin at a level of function that is more subtle than our blood chemistry or organ function. Quantum physics has come to a very similar understanding of the material world and the human body by proving that when we break down any material object into its smallest component, it is reduced to pure energy. Acupuncture aims to balance and harmonize the flow of Qi (pronounced 'chee') or Vital Energy which circulates in the body.
Is it safe?
All our needles are sterile, single-use, disposable and come in individual packaging. There is a possibility of bruising at the insertion site.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments required depends on the severity and the duration of the complaint, as well as the age and general health of the patient. Chronic conditions require a longer course of treatment . Most patients see an improvement after 3 - 5 sessions, but some patients can see an immediate improvement. Treatments are usually carried out weekly or twice weekly. For an acute condition it is beneficial to have treatments twice a week for 3 weeks to get the most out of the treatment sessions.
What should I do before a treatment?
Also you must notify your practitioner if you:
Is it safe?
All our needles are sterile, single-use, disposable and come in individual packaging. There is a possibility of bruising at the insertion site.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments required depends on the severity and the duration of the complaint, as well as the age and general health of the patient. Chronic conditions require a longer course of treatment . Most patients see an improvement after 3 - 5 sessions, but some patients can see an immediate improvement. Treatments are usually carried out weekly or twice weekly. For an acute condition it is beneficial to have treatments twice a week for 3 weeks to get the most out of the treatment sessions.
What should I do before a treatment?
- Wear loose and comfortable clothes
- Bring your current medication
- Do not skip meals, especially breakfast for morning appointments
- Avoid alcohol before treatment
Also you must notify your practitioner if you:
- Are pregnant (there are some acupuncture points which must not be used during pregnancy)
- Suffer from a condition transmissible by blood (HIV/AIDS, hepatitis etc)
I provide acupuncture in Clogherhead, Co Louth. Please call to schedule an appointment
Tel: 0860620098 or email: [email protected]
Sharon McGinty RGN, Lic Ac, C.Ac. Nanjing
Tel: 0860620098 or email: [email protected]
Sharon McGinty RGN, Lic Ac, C.Ac. Nanjing