Your path to better health
Welcome to Sharon McGinty Acupuncture.
l treat patients using the ancient and holistic practise of Chinese Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Acupuncture and Herbs have been used for the past five thousand years. Today it is used to treat chronic pain, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, migraine, sports injuries, infertility, symptoms caused by Menopause, stress leading to anxiety and depression. Allergies and digestive disorders can also be helped and many other conditions.
I also offer Facial Synergy Acupuncture or Beauty Acupuncture, which enhances skin tone, improves circulation and stimulates collagen production, increases energy and makes your eyes sparkle. Facial Acupuncture is an alternative to Botox and the use of fillers.
On your first visit a detailed assessment is carried out. All aspects of the person are taken into consideration, past and current medical history, lifestyle, diet and emotional factors are all part of the evaluation. The entire treatment is safeguarded by total confidentiality. Since each person is unique the number of treatments required will vary. Sharon will discuss the treatment programme with you on your first visit.
Acupuncture and TCM is entirely safe and free from harmful side effects.
l treat patients using the ancient and holistic practise of Chinese Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Acupuncture and Herbs have been used for the past five thousand years. Today it is used to treat chronic pain, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, migraine, sports injuries, infertility, symptoms caused by Menopause, stress leading to anxiety and depression. Allergies and digestive disorders can also be helped and many other conditions.
I also offer Facial Synergy Acupuncture or Beauty Acupuncture, which enhances skin tone, improves circulation and stimulates collagen production, increases energy and makes your eyes sparkle. Facial Acupuncture is an alternative to Botox and the use of fillers.
On your first visit a detailed assessment is carried out. All aspects of the person are taken into consideration, past and current medical history, lifestyle, diet and emotional factors are all part of the evaluation. The entire treatment is safeguarded by total confidentiality. Since each person is unique the number of treatments required will vary. Sharon will discuss the treatment programme with you on your first visit.
Acupuncture and TCM is entirely safe and free from harmful side effects.
Health Insurance Approved
Acupuncture Treatments are covered by most Health Care Insurance including VHI, Laya, Irish Life, HSF
Acupuncture Treatments are covered by most Health Care Insurance including VHI, Laya, Irish Life, HSF
Please call 086 062 0098 for an appointment
I provide acupuncture in Clogherhead, Co Louth, I am a member of the Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association ( Please call to schedule an appointment
Tel: 0860620098 or email: [email protected]
Sharon McGinty RGN, Lic Ac, C.Ac. Nanjing
Tel: 0860620098 or email: [email protected]
Sharon McGinty RGN, Lic Ac, C.Ac. Nanjing